Deadline to Enter December 31, 2022
Who Can Enter?
Xperitas program participants and leaders who travel in the 2022 calendar year.
How to Submit:
- Email images to in the highest resolution possible (Each entry requires a separate email)
- Include First & Last Name, School or Group Name, Email & Phone Number, Description of Photo
- Use the hashtag #Xperitas2022 on Facebook or Instagram (must be publicly visible for consideration)
- Include permission to use image if other people are in picture
- Not sure what photos to submit? Read our Tips for Taking Great Photos!
- Unlimited entries allowed!
- Deadline for submission is December 31, 2022
- No limit to the number of entries from an individual participant
- You must have permission from any recognizable person(s) to use their photos
- Participants agree to contest’s complete terms and conditions (below)
- Xperitas staff and family of Xperitas staff are not eligible
Winners will be selected by Xperitas staff and traveling teachers.
Grand Prize Winner | $200 Amazon Gift Card
Second Prize Winner | $100 Amazon Gift Card
Two Honorable Mentions | $50 Amazon Gift Cards
Terms & Conditions
Before submitting your photo(s) in the 2022 Xperitas Photo Contest, please carefully read the following terms and conditions.
Purpose and Motives
The purpose of this contest is primarily to demonstrate meaningful experiences during your Xperitas program. Submitting photos is allowed and encouraged if the user's motives are in accord with this purpose. Acceptable uses of submitting an image include:
- To enter the photo contest
- To share your Xperitas program experience through photography
- To inspire other students, families and educators to share language and/or culture
Xperitas is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization, and as such we reserve the right to reject unsuitable or pornographic images. Unsuitable images for this contest include any nude photos as well as photos of a sexually suggestive or overly violent content. Any photos that demonstrate behavior or images contrary to the Xperitas Code of Conduct will not be considered. As long as the photo fits our stated categories and shows technical understanding, originality and artistic creativity, it will be considered for prizes.
Public Viewing & Granting of Limited Rights
Be aware that upon submitting your photo, your photo may be displayed to the public. Your image may be included in Xperitas promotional materials, newsletters, other resources and publications created and shared by Xperitas, on the Xperitas website or through public Xperitas social media channels. By submitting your photo, you are allowing Xperitas to publish the photo on our website or in other electronic or printed promotional materials.
Public Critique
If posted on our website or Facebook page, the image will be open to public comment and critique. Xperitas will monitor all comments for appropriateness.
Copyright of the image remains the property of the photographer.
Entries must be submitted by the original photographer. Do not submit a photo taken by someone other than you. You must be the sole owner of the copyright of any image submitted. Your submission of the photo through this form is your guarantee that you are the author and copyright holder of the photo.
Model and Property Release
The photographer submitting their photo to the contest acknowledges that they have sufficient written permission of any recognizable locations or people appearing in the photograph to be able to grant to Xperitas the right to publish their photographic submission online or in print, and hereby grant to Xperitas such right.
If you have any questions, please call us at 1-800-892-0022.
Let us assist in planning your next immersion experience and help make it accessible to all of your students! We have many destination options for Language Immersion programs. Contact us today!
Previous Photo Contest Winners

Each year, Xperitas holds a photo contest, which provides an opportunity for all of that year’s immersion program participants to share their experience with the larger Xperitas community (and the opportunity to win prizes!). This year we were blown away by the volume and quality of entries we received.

Each year, Xperitas holds a photo contest to provide an opportunity for our participants to share a snapshot of their travel experience. View the winners of the 2016 Xperitas Photo Contest!