

How students can raise funds for their trip abroad

Girl counting money
Fundraising Tools

Traveling abroad is a financial investment at any age, and we know that the cost of travel can be prohibitive for some participants. As a nonprofit, Xperitas is able to provide financial aid grants to qualifying students. However, most participants and their families will need to figure out ways to fundraise money for their immersion program -- both individually and as a group. 

Over the years, we have created online tools to make student fundraising easier, but after 50 years we still find that students who engage with their local communities and spread awareness about their program enjoy the most success.

Ways to Fundraise:

  • "My Travel Fund" online tool
  • Community engagement
  • Xperitas Coffee Fundraiser
Raising money is easier than you think!

As a nonprofit, Xperitas is able to provide financial aid grants to qualifying students. However, most participants and their families will need to figure out ways to fundraise money for their immersion program -- both individually and as a group. Over the years, we have onlilne tools to make some things easier, like My Travel Fund, but we still find that students who engage with their local communities and spread awareness about their program enjoy the most fundraising success. Here are some fundraising tactics that have worked for our groups!

Write Fundraising Letters

Teachers and parents of participants often have success soliciting financial support from local businesses and organizations for the benefit of the entire group. Likewise, individual students have also been successful at soliciting funds from local businesses and organizations, often with the commitment to come back and share their experiences with the people and organizations that support them.

Host Fundraising Events

School and affinity groups often find success hosting group fundraising events. A few ideas are below, but feel free to try your own unique ideas.

  • Bake sale or rummage sale
  • Recyclable can/bottle collection
  • Bingo night
  • Talent show
  • Coffee bar
  • Raffle or silent auction (ask for donations from community businesses)
  • Car wash
  • Photo booth
  • Spaghetti dinner, pancake breakfast, or destination-themed meal

Use My Travel Fund

With our special online tool My Travel Fund, generous family and friends can quickly and easily submit gift payments and donations that directly toward a student’s Xperitas program.

Other Fundraising Ideas

There's no limit to the ways you can raise money for your program. Here are a few more ideas you could consider:

  • Ask local businesses if your group could volunteer to work for an afternoon/evening for a donation. Examples include bagging groceries, bussing tables at a restaurant, raking leaves or shoveling snow.
  • Explore branded fundraising programs. A quick Internet search will reveal countless corporate fundraising programs, such as selling wrapping paper, magazines, coffee, chocolate or gift cards.
  • Consider selling concessions at local sporting events. Many teams and stadiums have opportunities for volunteer groups to raise money by running concession sales during a game or event.
Xperitas coffee fundraiser

Xperitas Coffee Fundraiser

Xperitas has partnered with Custom Roasting Inc. for fundraising activities! The fundraiser is open to any enrolled student participating in an Xperitas language immersion program.