COVID-19 Protocols
COVID-19 Protocols for 2024 Travelers
Ensuring the safety of participants abroad

For 2024 travel, Xperitas has Covid-19 protocols in place, which we would ask that you review carefully.
Xperitas COVID Protocol
COVID Information for 2024 Travelers
2024 Xperitas participants do not need Covid-19 vaccination(s) to travel. We recommend all travelers be up to date on routine vaccinations and any additional vaccinations as determined by a travel doctor depending on the destination of travel and each individual’s health circumstance. All travelers must follow the health and safety-related entry requirements for the countries they will visit. Each individual traveler is responsible for meeting these requirements.
Pre-travel Testing Protocol
If a participant tests positive for Covid-19 and has a fever and symptoms are not improving within 24 hours of departure, they should inform Xperitas immediately. Xperitas will work with the participant to determine next steps.
Host Country Guidelines
All participants must follow the masking, social distancing, testing, and quarantine guidelines established by and in the host country and airlines/transportation carriers during the program.
Testing & Result Action Plan
- We highly recommend participants bring two Covid-19 rapid antigen tests with them abroad. If at any point a participant experiences any symptoms of Covid-19, the individual must take a rapid test. If the results are negative, the participant can continue as normal with the tour portion of their program.
- Any positive individual will not participate in group activities while sick with Covid-19. The individual can resume activities when, for at least 24 hours, their symptoms are improving and they do not have a fever (and are not using fever-reducing medication), per the CDC guidelines for preventing respiratory viruses. If the individual is a student, an adult will be present while the student stays back from any group activities. The individual will be responsible for any expenses incurred.
- If a participant tests positive for Covid-19, all participants should take added precaution over the next 5 days, such as taking additional steps for cleaner air, hygiene, masks, physical distancing, and/or testing if experiencing symptoms.
- For specific protocols in place during the family stay, refer to the Xperitas Family Stay Experience Protocols.
CDC COVID Information for 2024 Travelers
Please see the CDC's most updated information regarding COVID-19 here.

Family Stay Experience ® COVID Protocol
Host Family Symptoms (Pre-travel)
If a host family is unable to host due to Covid-19 illness, the host family will communicate with the Family Stay Coordinator (FSC) and inform them of the situation, and the FSC will alert Xperitas and look for an alternate host family for the participant.
Host Family Symptoms (During Stay)
If a student or host family member(s) tests positive for Covid-19 during the family stay: An adult in the host family will contact the FSC and inform them of the situation, and the Family Stay Coordinator (FSC) will alert the group leader and Xperitas. If the individual is a student, the student should rest as much as possible and not partake in family activities, as applicable. The individual can resume activities when, for at least 24 hours, their symptoms are improving and they do not have a fever (and are not using fever-reducing medication), per the CDC guidelines for preventing respiratory viruses. If a family member tests positive, the student should take additional steps for cleaner air, hygiene, masks, physical distancing, and/or testing if experiencing symptoms.
Privately-arranged Family Stay Protocol
If a teacher has privately-arranged their group's family stay, that teacher will determine their group's family stay protocols. We strongly suggest the above protocols be followed. The group leader should inform Xperitas of any positive COVID-19 cases.