Xperitas Blog Archive

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Xperitas Experience Archive


Welcome to the Xperitas blog archive. Find teacher, student and family perspectives on language and cultural immersion travel. You can also find useful tips for traveling abroad and past Xperitas news and events. Inspired to tell your story? We would love to hear how language immersion travel has transformed your life. Travel joyfully!

Transformational Travel for Over 50 Years

Holiday Recipes and Traditions

As we reflect upon a new year year of delivering our transformative language and cultural immersion programs, we'd like to share some of our staff's favorite holiday pastimes and food recipes with our Xperitas community. We hope you read, enjoy and share!

Our Path Forward

Executive Director, Leslie Gale, discusses the human drive to survive and thrive despite difficult circumstances.

World Food Culture

Executive Director, Leslie Gale, shares her perspective of world cuisine as part of the immersion experience and some of her favorite recipes from her time living abroad in Mexico.

Creating the New "Normal"

Executive Director, Leslie Gale, discusses the decision to cancel all of our spring and summer 2020 programs, as the U.S. State Department issued historic global travel advisories due to COVID-19.

A Fantastic Adventure

Virginie Donzo, French Program Manager, reflects on her summer language immersion travel program to France with an Xperitas group composed of three schools from Minnesota and Illinois. 

Returning to Germany

Katharina McCawley, German Programs Manager, reflects on her German immersion program travels with group of three schools from Washington and Illinois.

Unforgettable Memories with my Xperitas Groups

Emma Rojas, Spanish Program Manager, reflects on her immersion travel programs to Mexico and Peru with student groups from the United States.

New Executive Director

We are excited to announce that Leslie Gale became the new Executive Director of Xperitas on November 6. Learn more about her plans for Xperitas here!

Girl peeking out a window

Share Your Language Immersion Experience

Whether you have traveled recently or long ago, your perspective is valuable to the Xperitas family of language and cultural immersion explorers. We travel for the love of language, but it is the connections we make along the way that stay within our hearts and minds. Send us your story today.